Community Crops Education & Classes

Come learn with us! Classes and workshops are offered throughout the year on gardening and farming topics, cooking, and sustainable living.

Urban Grower Classes

This class series, running 2023 through 2025 will focus on teaching sustainable growing skills for gardeners and farmers. Class formats may vary between field days, lectures, online classes, and other alternative formats. Registration is required, but classes are free!







Accommodations for translation can be made by request with advance notice of 2 weeks, and there is a question in the registration regarding translation needs. Please contact us with any questions.

Registration forms close approximately 2-3 days prior to class or in some cases earlier due to the number of students signed up.

Upcoming Classes

September 10th, 6-8pm, Seed Savers Skills: Wet Seed Processing at the Family Service Lincoln office

This class will provide participants an understanding of wet seed processing. We will learn about what wet seed processing is, which plants require it for seed saving, and the steps involved. This class will incorporate both hands on and lecture elements. Taught by Cait Caughey of Mullein Hill Farm.

Register for ‘Seed Savers Skills: Wet Seed Processing’

September 21st, 10am – 11am: Cover Cropping Skillshare at Lake Street MicroFarm

This skill share will provide information on how to use cover cropping to protect and improve soil health. This will be a demonstration based class with hands on learning opportunities for participants that will show different planting strategies to establish fall crops. This class will focus on varieties well suited for fall and winter and provide an overview of useful tools and materials related to cover cropping for small scale growers. 

Register for Cover Cropping Skillshare

September 21st, 1pm – 3pm, at the Family Service Lincoln office: Cover Cropping 101

This lecture style class will provide students an overview of what cover crops do, the ways that they can help manage and improve soil health, and introduce different options that are available for gardeners and farmers to use. We will cover how to build cover crop mixes as well as discuss different seeding rates and strategies. This class will be taught by Dr. Andrea Basche of UNL. 

Register for Cover Cropping 101

October 15th, 6pm – 8pm, Seed Savers Skills: Dry Seed Processing at the Family Service Lincoln office

This class will provide participants an understanding of dry seed processing. We will learn about what dry seed processing is, which plants require it for seed saving, and the steps involved. This class will incorporate both hands on and lecture elements. Taught by Cait Caughey of Mullein Hill Farm.

Register for Seed Savers Skills: Dry Seed Processing

October 22nd, 6pm – 8pm, Growing Native Plants at the Family Service Lincoln office

This class will cover why native plants are important, both in our gardens and our broader ecosystem, what types of plants are native to southeast Nebraska, and how to incorporate plantings in your garden, yard, or farm.  We will discuss benefits, care, and how to establish different types of native perennials. Taught by Cait Caughey of Mullein Hill Farm.

Register for Growing Native Plants

Business and Marketing for Small Scale Farmers

This class series, running 2023 through 2025 will focus on teaching introductory business and marketing skills for small scale farmers. This series will be 12 parts and will start in September 2023. Registration is required but classes are free for participants. Classes will be delivered in English, with Arabic and/or Kurdish Kurmanji translation available.

Upcoming Classes

No scheduled classes for the remainder of 2024 calendar year. Classes resume in 2025!


If you want more information about our current classes, or have questions about your registration, contact